The family Ulyankinykh transferred to the Mordovian local history museum unique documentary photographs

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92 research works school students on IX competition presented this year "A grandmother's chest", organized ADMINISTRATION OFFICE OBRAZOVANIYA Saransk and Republican local history to name I.D. Voronina. Pupils of the Center of education "Tavla" – general education schools No. 17, gymnasiums No. No. 12, 19, 23, high schools No. No. 9, 22, 27, 30, 41 appeared the most active. In the final experts allowed 38 researches which in […] the Message the Family Ulyankinykh transferred to the Mordovian local history museum unique documentary photographs there was at first on News Republic of Mordovia...
Valery Knyazkin
Last position: Head of the district (Administration of the municipal district Chelno-Vershiny of the Samara region)
Bateryakov Adele
Zinina Anastasiya
Kosterin Leo