9 May, Victory Day on TV channel TV channel "Kultura"

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Annually on May 9 one of the most important for our country of solemn dates – 9 May, Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War is marked out. In the 78th anniversary of the Great Victory watch the special program on TV channel "Rossiya-Kultura". Annually on May 9 one of the most important for our country of solemn dates – 9 May, Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War is marked out. This spring holiday – the age-mate Pobedy: it was entered into the state calendar just on May 9, 1945. By tradition, this day celebrate veterans, remember those who did not return from fields of cruel battles. By a holiday decorate streets in...
Andrey Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky
Last position: Film director, actor, theatrical director, screenwriter, film producer
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Last position: First deputy chairman (Committee State Duma on culture)
Catherina Markov
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Irina Shevchuk
Last position: Actress