In Novosibirsk detained the ex-head of the Village Council. It suspect of the translation of lands from state property in private

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In Novosibirsk Yurchenko Andrey detained the ex-head of the Michurinsk Village Council. His and former cadastral engineer Mankovsky Alexander suspect of the earth translation from state ownership in the private. As reported NGS a source, Yurchenko Andrey and Mankovsky Alexander suspect of an illegal transfer of lands which were intended for construction of roads, in a private property. Then the lands sold. Sites are round Krasnoobsk, near the Ob River and along Sovetskoye Highway. On them constructed cottages. Carrying out the expeditious and investigative actions connected with...
Lilia Nekrasov
Main activity:Official
Yurchenko Andrey
Mankovsky Alexander
Karasenko Igor