Farmers from Heavenly Empire come back to fields of Jewish Autonomous Region

@GTRK "Bira"
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Peasants foreigners intend again to start working in agriculture Far East. Chinese are not present, but will be soon. Farmers from Heavenly Empire come back to region fields. I will remind, in connection with a pandemic they were compelled to leave home. In this season peasants foreigners intend again to start working in agriculture Far East. What do local farmers and why the main culture for landowners of both states still there is a soy think of it? (video fragment) — From nine to eight evenings. We do not work too much and everything arranges, Victor Atyaykin declares. There is a break on...
Tatyana Rakitina
Last position: Deputy chief (Agriculture department of government of the Jewish autonomous district)
Avdeev Yvan
Plotnichenko Nadezhda
Goncharenko Vladimir
Antonyuk Pawel