In Bekovo district passed competitions of the Sports contest of preinduction youth among young men of 14-17 years

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On April 22, 2023 in FOKE "Khopyor" in genitive of Bekovo passed competitions of the Sports contest of preinduction youth Bekovo district among young men of 14-17 years. At opening of the Sports contest there was a deputy head of administration Bekovo district Yegorushin Oleg. The certificate of honor of administration of the area for a contribution to patriotic education of youth awarded Pavlov Valery, the teacher organizer of OBZh MBOU SECONDARY GENERAL EDUCATION SCHOOL P. SAKHZAVOD. Youths of premilitary age participated in firing competitions from an air rifle, run on 1000 meters, dismantling and machine gun assembly, pulling up, bending extension of a trunk and jumps in...