There was a tizer of the 2nd season of series "Two Hills"

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Today the START online movie theater was let out by the first tizer of the second season of comedy anti-Utopia "Two hills". History continuation about the world of matriarchy will return this summer. Christina Kucherenko who is known on roles in "Pirogov's SP" and "Bow". In the heroes again will reincarnate: Nikita Kologrivy, Pelagia Khanova Nevzorova,  Anna Snatkina, Vladimir Yepifantsev, Svetlana Kamynina, Jeanne Epple and other Russian actors. The director's chair instead of Dimitri Gribanov was occupied by Bisembin Askar, known according to the Wedding for Three project. The scenario wrote Dimitri Gribanov...
Nikita Kologrivy
Last position: Actor
Christina Kucherenko
Last position: Actress
 Anna Snatkina
Last position: Actress
Vladimir Yepifantsev
Last position: Actor, film director, TV host
Dmitry Gribanov
Last position: Operator, director, producer, actor