Celies, Cīnies, Latvija! – синергия болельщиков и спортсменов

Вчера, 26 апреля, Maxima Latvija в сотрудничестве с Латвийской хоккейной федерацией и торговым центром Domina Shopping организовала встречу 200 хоккейных фанов с игроками и...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Russian community of Estonia» , more details in our Terms of Service
Kristaps Zile
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Dinamo" (Riga))
Lauris Darzinsh
Last position: The professional athlete of the national team of Latvia on hockey (Federation of hockey Latvia)
Bukarts Rikhards
Vitolinsh Khariys
Ozolinsh Sandis