Mass media: The sequel "Ekzortsista of Vatican" already in work — Russell Ira Krou can return to the role

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The Bloody Disgusting edition reported that the sequel of a horror of "Ekzortsist Vatikana" with Russell Ira Krou already is in a leading role at an early stage of development. The actor it seems as agrees to return to a role of the well-known Italian priest and Gabriele Amort's who has made for the life over hundred thousand ceremonies on exile of demons ekzortsist. Journalists while have no details so always there is a chance that the tape will not live prior to shootings. The horror of "Ekzortsist Vatikana" left on April 5 and already collected over $52 million at budget in $18 million. As the director of a tape Dzhulius Eyveri ("Overlord") acted...
Russell Ira Krou
Last position: Actor, film director, film producer
Dzhulius Eyveri
Last position: Screenwriter, film director