The actress Christina Kazinskaya about popularity of series "Chernobyl: exclusion zone": "It live"

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Christina Kazinskaya – the Russian actress known on a roles of Ania in sensational series "Chernobyl: exclusion zone". Also it acted in the films "Forgive for Love", "Unscrupulous" and others. In interview of LLC "FederalPress" Christina Kazinskaya told why the series about Chernobyl are so popular, whether she wanted to visit "zone" and whether acts in new projects. in more detail Christina Kazinskaya, prompt, whether there were you in Chernobyl? And if is not present, would like to visit there? — No, I was not there. And if it is honest, I looked so many documentary materials and different materials on this subject... But there is no wish to visit there. As you...
Dmitrieva Valeria
Khalilulaev Anvar
Chesnokova Catherina
LLC "FederalPress"
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