Fresh blood in "Poor blood": singles of young Russian performers entered a series soundtrack on TV-3

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On April 24 on TV-3 started display of youth mystical series "Poor blood". In roles – young and perspective Russian actors. So founders of series and decided to involve actors of a new wave in creation of a soundtrack. It entered at once on two songs of young performers – singers of DRIADA ("Poison" and "Branches of one Oriental cherry") and Kandelaki Leo ("Stars", "The world lonely"). Tracks of both actors are ideally combined with mood of series "Poor blood", but matter not only in it. Authors made an unusual course, having as though attached performers to certain characters. So youth series with the new...
Vyacheslav Piskunov
Last position: Actor
Liane Griba
Last position: Actress
Maia Voznesensky
Last position: Actress
Kandelaki Leo
Sotnikov Maxime