The director of the Russian house in Vietnam reported about great demand for the Russian average education

@Bol'shaja Azija
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Opening of the Russian schools in Vietnam with teaching in Russian will allow to satisfy great demand existing in the country for the Russian average education. Such opinion was expressed in conversation with the correspondent of information agency "ITAR-TASS" by the director of the Russian center of science and culture (RTsNK) in Hanoi, the head of Representation federal agency for Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots living abroad, and on International humanitarian cooperation in Sotsialistichesky To Republic Vietnam Stepanov Victor. "Creation of the Russian of schools in Hanoi which it was declared during the visit which has taken place at the beginning of April to Vietnam the Deputy Prime Minister Russian Federation Dmitry Chernyshenko, will allow to rectify, at last, existing situation at which in the country remains...