The Scottish chamber orchestra prolonged for 5 years contract with the chief conductor Maxime Yemelyanychev

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Maxime Yemelyanychev remains the chief conductor of the Scottish chamber orchestra, at least, to 2028, is reported on a collective site. Let's remind that he was appointed to this position in 2018. Maxime Yemelyanychev noted that is excited forthcoming anniversary (50 years) with a season of Scottish Chamber Orchestra and "is glad to prolong the obligations to this remarkable group of musicians". Among anniversary events of SCO – large-scale round on Scotland with Beethoven's "Heroic" symphony (September-October 2023), execution – including in the London Royal Albert Hall on BBC News Proms – Mendelssohn's oratorios "Eli"...
Maxime Yemelyanychev
Last position: Chief conductor of the Scottish chamber orchestra
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