Twitter return to celebrities "a blue tick" without payment

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Twitter returned "a blue tick" without payment for a subscription to some accounts which have more than one million subscribers. As notes the Air Force, among those to whom returned a blue tick — Beyonse Gisele Noulz-Karter, Gary Edward Keyn, Richard Thomas Othman and Victoria Kerolayn Beckham. The twitter account of BBC News also again has the gold badge, but did not pay for it. Before Twitter bought Elon Musk, "the blue tick" was a verification badge which provided Twitter, urged to help to stop feykovy accounts and misinformation distribution. Now it is a symbol of that...
Gary Edward Keyn
Last position: Professional athlete of England national football team (FA)
Elon Musk
Last position: CEO, chief engineer (SpaceX)
Victoria Kerolayn Beckham
Last position: Singer, actress, fashion designer
Richard Thomas Othman
Last position: Comedian, TV host, writer