In FAPAKH the remote villages Gorokhovets district sale drugs] bega

@MK.RU Vladimir
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Prosecutor's office of the Gorokhovets district of the Vladimir region carried out an inspection of execution of requirements of the legislation on health care. During check it became clear that primary medical and sanitary help appears Gorokhovetsky TsRB through medical assistant's and obstetric points and medical out-patient clinics. Thus, in FAPAKH, located in Bykasovo, Vasilchikovo, Velikovo, Galitsakh, Grishino, Krutovo, Kupriyanovo New by Vladimirovke, Rozhdestveno, Yurovo, Big it is impossible to buy drugs at retail. Distance to the next drugstores in Gorokhovets and Fominkakh more than 30 kilometers. And this violation. Prosecutor's office appealed to court, having demanded...