DC and Warner Bros. </ "1"> let out a new trailer of the movie "Flash"

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The director of the new movie it was appointed Musketti Andy. Leading role played Miller Ezra. Trailer of the movie "Flash" published DC and Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc. in YouTube. In the movie will tell about the superhero Fleshe. It should rescue the mother, but it will be for this purpose necessary will go to the past. However because of it the whole world appears in danger. The script for the movie was written by Khodson Christina. In the movie such actors, as Kalle Alexander, Maria Izabel Verdu Rolyan, Kiton Michael, Michael Korbett Shennon and others played. The premiere of "Flash" is planned at movie theaters for June 16...
Michael Korbett Shennon
Last position: Actor, musician
Musketti Andy
Miller Ezra
Khodson Christina
Warner Bros
Main activity:Culture and sports
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