Senators discussed the potential of developments mechanisms the Islamic financial markets to Russian Federation

@Sovfed RF
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The round table was carried out by Grigory Borisovich Karasin. In Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation the round table on a subject took place: "Russian Federation and Islamic world: trade and economic cooperation and potential of developments mechanisms the Islamic financial markets to Russian Federation". Senators took part in action Russian Federation, deputies State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, representatives Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia), Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia", Euroasian bank developments, Interstate bank Commonwealth of Independent States, scientific and expert community. Action took place in the run-up to the XIV International economic forum "Russian Federation — the Islamic world: KazanForum" 2023...
Aleksey Moiseev
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)
Grigory Borisovich Karasin
Last position: Chairman (Committee Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on International affairs)
Konstantin Shuvalov
Last position: The special representative on interaction with the organizations of the Muslim states (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Vladimir Chistyukhin
Last position: Vice-chairman (Bank of Russia)
Farit Mubarakshevich Mukhametshin
Last position: Vice-chairman (Committee Federation Council of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on International affairs)