In Publicly funded institution "Children and youth library"Ministry of culture Chuvash Republic with minors condemned, consisting on the account in FKU of FGAOU TO "URFA NAMED AFTER PERVOGO PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION B. N. YELTSIN", URAL FEDERAL DISTRICT FEDERAL UNIVERSITY, URFA UFSIN, the psychological practical work] took plac

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On April 19 in Publicly funded institution "Children and youth library"Ministry of culture Chuvash Republic with minors condemned, consisting on the account in criminal and executive inspection, the psychological practical work "How to avoid unnecessary risk" within occupations of teenage club of communication "Free conversation" took place. Speaking about genocide, we mean fascism. And it, as well as terrorism, separatism, racism, is an extreme form of manifestation of extremism which threaten state and society bases, violate the rights and freedoms of the person. How to avoid unnecessary risk and not to get on tricks...