Details about a case of poisoning of 17 people in Lyankyarana] became know

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On the night of April 24 of 17 inhabitants of the village Byaliton of the Lyankyaransky area (1 man, 7 women, 9 children) the urgent medical care Lyankyaransky Central district hospital, by subordinated TƏBIB, because of food poisoning was hospitalized in office. As transfers, about it reported in APA in TƏBIB. It was noted that necessary medical services "were rendered to each of them. 7 people are written out home for out-patient treatment, 10 people are placed in the relevant office of medical institution. Their state stable", - it is emphasized in the message. Poisoning poluchili:...
Dzhafarov Rashad
Dzhafarov Yusif
Agaeva Bahar
Islam Guldana
Central district hospital