The TV host Alexander Gurevich replaced with TV

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Alexander Gurevich who decided to leave Russia-1 TV channel TV channel "Rossiya" because of a political position on the latest events, faded into the background. In the Hundred to One program 12%2B to the TV host at once found replacement in the person of Akopova Alexandra. And here speaking about the Surprising People program, replacement there found only a year later. According to preliminary information, now the program will be kept by Artem Mikhaylovich Vargaftik. It should be noted that the last and new leader are very similar among themselves externally. In a source reported that the new leader surprised the audience with the similarity with Alexander Gurevich – vsklochenny hair, a gray-haired beard, build...
Alexander Gurevich
Main activity:Official
Artyom Mikhaylovich Vargaftik
Last position: Teacher of history of cello art (FRAMES NAMED AFTER GNESINYKH)
Akopova Alexandra