Semen Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko: "Thought to finish with sports — and won two gold medals in national championship! "

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— It is a pity, still the World Cup did not manage to be won — Semen Aleksandrovich Pavlichenko complained. — Thought, however, as Russian Federation will not participate in the championship. On September collecting in Sochi received a rupture of an Achilles tendon. Looked at video as children acted, and thought with envy: "Eh, me now to sweep …". But the foot did not heal in any way, was ill, the mood was unimportant. Even sad thoughts visited: "Really it is the end? ". And when after New Year 2017 resumed trainings, at once remembered how I like to ride. — The head coach of the national team Chudinov Sergei on Minsport's advisory council where the results were summed up...