Officially: the wife of the soloist of "Imagine Dragons" filed for divorce after 12 years of marriage

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Couple gets divorced later half a year after parting In Daniel Kolter Reynolds – the soloist of Imagine Dragons group – and Aja Folkman long ago not everything is smooth. At the beginning of 2018 it became known of plans of spouses to file for divorce 8 years of marriage later. However soon Daniel Kolter Reynolds and Aja reconciled and even published in honor of it the joint song "Bad Liar". In the fall of last year their marriage again appeared under the threat: spouses reported about a final rupture of the relations, but did not appeal to court. Now it became known that the wife of the soloist of "Imagine Dragons" Aja officially submitted the application for divorce. As writes Site "", the spouse...
Daniel Kolter Reynolds (Dan Reynolds)
Last position: Singer, founder of the rock group Imagine Dragons
Minka Kelly