To Kursk Region the driver of a foreign car rammed a brick fence and disappeared from a place of road accidents

@MK.RU Chernozem'e
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Road incident left the yard of the local resident without protection. At night on March 4 the current year in Ponyri's settlement the driver cars KIA crashed into a fence of a private household. It is not known in what it was a state, sober, drunk, sleepy, but as a result the part of a brick protection failed. The violator from a place of road accidents disappeared. After it police officers found. The 38-year-old man was responsible for the actions in world Ponyri district district court Kursk region. "In a court session ponyrovets admitted the guilt, having explained that did not know how it farther to be therefore left from the place of accident", - reported in OPSSS Kursk Region...