In Moscow Region started repair roads

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Repair roads – one of the main subjects in which the government and the governor of MO constantly is engaged. The governor Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov emphasized importance of execution of federal and regional programs for repair roads at meeting with Oblastnoye government and heads of city districts at the end of March of this year: "Visiting territories, we can hear from inhabitants of a request for repair roads. The differences, difficult climate lead to that in the spring we have to direct special efforts to arrangement of a road and transport network. Plus sidewalks without which people too cannot do...
Andrey Vorobyev
Last position: Governor (Government of the Moscow region)
Aleksey Gerzhik
Last position: Minister (MTDI OF THE MOSCOW REGION)
Romashov Oleg
Lazareva Larissa
Oblastnoye government
Government Agency