In Krasnoyarsk theater the opera and the ballet there was the main director

@Zhurnal Teatr
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The director Lychagina Irina , more than twenty years worked in MAMTE, is appointed at once to two senior positions Krasnoyarsk theaters the opera and the ballet of a name Dimitri Aleksandrovich Khvorostovsky. It became the art director of opera troupe and the main director theaters. Let's remind, on October 1, 2022 a post of the art director Krasnoyarsk theaters the opera and the ballet Sergei Bobrov left, headed theater in 2006. The position of the art director of opera troupe was held still by Marzoeva Larissa. Since April 14 the art director of opera troupe and the main director Krasnoyarsk theaters the opera and the ballet became Lychagina Irina . Let's note that...