Ivi shared a tizer-trailer of series "Secret of the Gone Village"

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The online movie theater of Ivi presented a new tizer-trailer of series from Sverdlovsk "Secret of the Gone Village" studio — comedy pseudo-documentary "journalistic investigation" in surroundings of the Russian remote place. Founders of the project became Sergei Svetlakov and Davdiev Said ("the Searchlight Periskhilton", "Evening Urgant"). As the director Shavkero Andrey ("Fir-trees-5", "Old cones") acted. In roles — Gorban Maria, Philipp Romanovich Yershov, Yergina Olga, Nikulin Dimitri, Denise Kosyakov and Sergei Druzhko. Shootings of the new project took place to Tver with the minimum dressing. For bigger realness founders of series solved...
Sergei Svetlakov
Last position: Actor, producer, screenwriter, TV host
Denise Kosyakov
Last position: Actor
Paulina Pushkaruk
Last position: Actress of theater and cinema
Philipp Romanovich Yershov
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Sergei Druzhko
Last position: TV host, video blogger
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