Novorossiysk are restored by Prosecutor's office of the right of the disabled person for preferential use of parkings

@Novosti prokuratury RF
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Prosecutor's office Novorossiysk carried out an inspection according to the address of the local about observance of the rights of socially unprotected category of citizens. It is established that the applicant who is a disabled person, is brought to administrative responsibility according to Art. 3.10 of the Law of Krasnodar Territory of 23.07.2003 No. 608-KZ (a non-payment of a parking of the vehicle) in the form of an administrative penalty of 3 thousand rubles. At the same time, as it is established by test actions, information on the vehicle of the disabled person in due time is not entered in the federal register of disabled people. Considering this fact, and also a state...