"In my life after all there was a person who is important and roads to me": to Margaret Sukhankina 59 years

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Margaret Sukhankina - the woman with big heart, a unique voice and desire to embrace the immense. The owner of an opera voice could appear easily and on stage Big theaters, and in street discos. Having been born in a family of engineers, she very much early understood - in the footsteps of parents will not go. Will be the actress. Also became the soloist of chorus. Early years Margaret Sukhankina - the radical Muscovite, a family lived, as well as all average inhabitants of the country. Parents had technical education, but were not deaf to creativity. Probably, it also allowed to make out artistic talent in the daughter. The child wrote down in...
Margaret Sukhankina
Main activity:Show business personality
Lityagin Andrey
Razina Svetlana