As brought down the century building in the downtown and that promise to construct in exchange — we tell in two-minute video

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Still slightly and video will be loaded In two-minute video we tell that happened to the historical building on the Soviet, 24 Videos: Shityuk Wladyslaw / NGS.RU B Novosibirsk completely destroyed building on Soviet, 24 — the house where there lived one of founders of astronautics Kondratyuk Youri. On April 1 declared reconstruction of buildings according to the federal project, in some days from it there were only ruins. The new museum plan to construct until the end of 2024, but the beginning of reconstruction turned back scandal. The last minutes before a full collapse of buildings managed to be removed on video. On April 11 on the construction...
Natalia Shamina
Last position: Actress (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")
Shityuk Wladyslaw
Kondratyuk Youri
Shchukina Helena
Skok  Anna