Julia Lavrenchuk beat young figure skaters

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playmaker24: The trainer Julia Lavrenchuk beat young figure skaters when worked at school as Evgeni Plushenko in recent days on social networks the scandalous video published in the telegram-channel Rodina Helena is discussed. On it it is imprinted as the trainer of schools "Angela of Plushenko" Julia Lavrenchuk beat a leather belt the little figure skater during performance rehearsal. According to the author of record, it occurred 5 years ago, but video just now became well wide audience. On video Julia Lavrenchuk beats a belt the own daughter – the citizen Austria Chesterton Emily which then was only 5 years. Video...
Evgeni Plushenko
Last position: The coach of Russian national team on figure skating (FFKKR)
Julia Lavrenchuk
Last position: Figure skating coach
Rodina Helena
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