Igor Pavlovich Borovikov will sell JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOFTLAYN"

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Igor Pavlovich Borovikov agreed about sale the supplier of IT solutions based by it and services of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOFTLAYN". Since 1995 company was the supplier of products Microsoft COR which in March, 2022 suspended sale goods and providing services to Russian Federation the Founder of the supplier of IT solutions and services of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOFTLAYN" Igor Pavlovich Borovikov made the decision to leave structure of shareholders, the press service of companies reported. It and group of investors reached basic agreements on sale 100% of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOFTLAYN" to fund under management LLC "Tetis Capital", it is noted in the press release. 100% LLC "Tetis Capital" belong to the broker...
Igor Pavlovich Borovikov
Last position: Member of Presidium (OPORA RUSSIA)
Boris Leonidovich Bobrovnikov
Last position: Founder, CEO (CJSC "KROK incorporated")
Dbar Fedor
PJSC Moscow Exchange
Main activity:Printing services
Main activity:Communication and IT
JSC Softline Trade
Main activity:Communication and IT
LLC "Tetis Capital"