Online tickets from Baku in Tartar, Ismailla and Kurdamir

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On a portal of possibility of acquisition of tickets in an online mode in three directions is created. About it reported in Ministry of digital development and transport of Azerbaijan. Passengers will be able to get now tickets online from Baku in Tartar, Ismailla and Kurdamir, and in the opposite direction. To these in system buses tickets in 20 directions from Baku to Ganja, Gases, Gedabek were available, to the Bard, Agdjabedi, Mingyachevir, Geychay, Qabala, Oguz, Sheki, Gakh, Zagatala, Balakyan, Shabran, the Lip, the Hussar, Hudat, Astara, Lyankaran and Goradiz. The system of online sale of tickets will cover step by step...