Mayor Krasnodar: "A roadbed on Karyakin it is replaceable by May holidays"

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Eugenie Mikhaylovich Naumov in the residential district Moscow. Photo: the tg-channel of the mayor Mer Krasnodar Eugenie Mikhaylovich Naumov commented on March 30 on a situation with repair Karyakin Street because of which motorists should get stuck in a huge traffic jam to leave the residential district Moscow. Roadbed on this street, according to city manager, will replace by May holidays. In the tg-channel Eugenie Mikhaylovich Naumov explained that the peak of road constructions and repairs always falls on the spring and summer period. - This morning worked with road builders. Checked how update streets in east part of the city. Everywhere we go on...
Eugenie Mikhaylovich Naumov
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