In Krasnoyarsk Territory thawed snow flooded 4 cities and 4 areas

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In eight areas Krasnoyarsk Territory are observed strong floodings of houses and roads by spring tides. About it reported in the press service of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations. Problems are observed in Krasnoyarsk, Achinsk, Yeniseysk and Nazarovo, and also in Bolshaya Murta district, Suhobuzimskoe district, Yemeliyanovo district and Irbeiskoe district. 79 personal plots are at present impounded. For inhabitants two points of temporary placement on 42 persons but while they are not involved are prepared. On three highways - in Yemeliyanovo district, Irbeiskoe district and Suhobuzimskoe district - found modulations. Local authorities actively pump out water, but a situation...