Kleshcheva Marina becomes the died Grandmother in "Kvarteatr's" prime minister

@Zhurnal Teatr
Show original
Today and tomorrow, on March 27 and 28, in Moscow "Kvarteatre" there will take place a premiere of performance Pavel Artemyev "Bardo Tkhedol, or 49 pans kutyi" according to the play Nicknames of daily newspaper "Die Welt". The play Nicknames of daily newspaper "Die Welt", written in the pandemiyny spring of 2021, is called "Bardo Tkhedol, or the Grandmother, you after all died". On a plot, as well as follows from the title, the usual Moscow family appears in a surrealistic situation: having come back home, parents and children find just died grandmother who almost to the final of the play does not say words in kitchen and silently eats kutyyu. Events of the short play are developed on an extent...
Xenia Orlov
Last position: Actress
Victor Vorzonin
Last position: Actor (State budget cultural institution "MDT named after M. N. Yermolovoy")
Kleshcheva Marina
Yuzhakov Grigory