The international day theaters celebrated in social network "VKontakte" regional drama theater

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A professional holiday of attendants of Melpomene in Ust Kamenogorsk the ceremony of rewarding with the prestigious award "Mask" marked the Main theatrical event of the year which were taking place in the East Kazakhstan regional theater dramas, riveted attention of guests of honor, representatives of cultural elite and region mass media, the correspondent Ustinka LIVE reports. This year on court eight performances were presented to a commission of experts: four of them - the comedy according to the classical plays, two fairy tales, the psychological drama and doll statement. The deputy handed over awards...
Marina Sokolov
Last position: Actress (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Novy drama theater")
Kasenov Samat
Ostrovsky A.
Baeva Tatyana
Kuni R.