On March 22, 2023 on a platform of the international debatable club "Valdai" discussion "The world without START treaty took place: what further? ". How the suspension of participation Russian Federation in the START treaty will affect on global safety? On what

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On March 22, 2023 on a platform of the international debatable club "Valdai" discussion "The world without START treaty took place: what further? ". How the suspension of participation Russian Federation in the START treaty will affect on global safety? On what conditions contract can be renewed? Whether it is possible to develop in the future the new contract in the field of reduction of strategic arms? The conclusion of the multilateral agreement with participation of other countries of "nuclear club" – France, United Kingdom and China is how probable? In action took part: Deputy minister of foreign affairs Russian Federation Sergei Alekseevich Ryabkov; Honourable...
Sergei Alekseevich Ryabkov
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation)
Fedor Aleksandrovich Lukyanov
Last position: Chairman of presidium (Regional non-governmental organization "public "Sovet PO Vneshney I Oboronnoy Politike")