"Your food became for me blow": history of a star of the ballet of Italian Marcello Pelizzoni who moved to Siberia

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23-year-old Marcello Pelizzoni in Krasnoyarsk theater the opera and the ballet for a long time call into Russian of manners — Marchik. The charming Italian became the favourite almost all employees theaters. It is beautiful, talented and, unfortunately many, at all does not pay attention to delighted looks of colleagues. Marcello is in love only with the Russian ballet for the sake of which he left for six thousand kilometers from the house and to which devotes all the time. In interview to our colleagues from NGS24.RU Siberian Italian Marcello Pelizzoni told about the relation to Russian Federation and explained why it is not going to leave from here. Still...
Sergei Bobrov
Last position: Art director of Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theatre
Малафеев Сергей Рудольфович
Svinko Helena
Moscow city State academy choreography
Main activity:Science and education