The Italian mass media reported about escape of the son of the governor Krasnoyarsk Territory from under arrest

@MK.RU Krasnojarsk
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The Italian mass media reported on March 23 about escape of the son of the governor Krasnoyarsk Territory Artem Aleksandrovich Uss days later after acceptance by Milan appeal court decisions on its extradition to United States of America. "In the second half of day on March 22 the Russian manager broke an electronic bracelet and left the apartment in Bazilyo, municipality in the southern remote place of the lombardsky capital. When there arrived carabineers, the forty-year-old man already completely disappeared", - reported the Italian edition "La Stampa". News agency ANSA added that Artem Aleksandrovich Uss the Jr. broke an electronic bracelet on a foot before escape. Now the Krasnoyarsk citizen is looked for by militiamen...
Alexander Uss
Main activity:Politician
Anton Natarov
Last position: Chairman of the board (Rookk "Association vypusknikov Kadetskikh korpusov i of the Mariinsk city zhenskikh gimnazy of the Krasnoyarsk Territory")