Contract with Novgorod "Electron" was signed by the ex-football player of the second team of the Kazan "Rubin"
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The Novgorod Football club "Elektron" continues to acquaint fans with new players. Ranks of team were joined by the 19-year-old halfback Melikyan Grigory, earlier supporting the second team of the Kazan "Rubin". — Melikyan Grigory began a football way to MTsPYuFP "Mordovia". In 17 years passed the second team of the Kazan "Rubin". For two seasons in the Kazan team managed to play 25 matches where it was noted by two hammered balls. The last club Melikyan Grigory was "Peresvet" Sergei Aleksandrovich Vekhtev — report in the club press service. Nap...