Sports arbitral tribunal Dmitry Ilyinykh] registered the appeal of the disqualified volleyball playe

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Sports arbitral tribunal) registered the appeal of the disqualified Russian volleyball player Dmitry Ilyinykh. "Business of Sports arbitral tribunal 2023/A/9400 "Dmitry Ilyinykh against International federation of volleyball" is in process of consideration in Sports arbitral tribunal" — gives information agency "ITAR-TASS" words of the representative of the press service of vessels. On February 18 the secretary general VFV Yaremenko Alexander reported that Dmitry Ilyinykh disqualified for two years for violation of anti-doping rules. Disqualification came into force on January 13, 2023 and will last till January 12 of the 2025th. Dmitry Ilyinykh became the Olympic champion as a part of the national team...
Dmitry Ilyinykh
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (ASSOCIATION "BK "BELOGORYE")
Yaremenko Alexander