Soccer: Flavovirent reached the first victory

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The total account should not mislead. On a match course residents of Krasnodar conducted 3:0. The account on the 15th minute was opened by Lauk Maxime. It struck blow from the right corner of a penalty area, the ball got to a knee to Bokoev Marat and on a high arch flew "for a collar" to the goalkeeper of guests. Let's note that "Veles" began a match more cheerfully. Also had two smart opportunities to hammer, but the goalkeeper of "Kuban" Nesterenko fine played. On the 28th minute owners doubled the account. Attack by the right flank, lumbago followed, and Dzambolat Tsallagov from 8 meters transported a ball under a crossbeam. Well, and the third ball on the 57th minute hammered not going to the last...