ZhHL playoffs: "Dynamo Neva" will throw down "Agideli's" challenge in the final

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KHL.ru tells a playoffs of Female hockey league in which victories were won by Ufa "Agidel" and "Dynamo Neva" from Saint Petersburg about semifinal series...
Valeria Tarakanova
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION ZHHK "SKIF")
Angelina Goncharenko
Last position: The professional athlete of the women's national team on ice hockey (FKHR)
Olga Sosina
Last position: The professional athlete of the women's national team on ice hockey (FKHR)
Catherina Dobrodeev
Last position: The professional athlete of the women's national team on ice hockey (FKHR)
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