Vladimir Putin arrived to Republic of Crimea on opening of schools arts and the children's center

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Today on a holiday the president arrived to Sevastopol, and it was driving. Vladimir Putin visited two new objects of a grandiose complex in which history, joining the present, speaks about the future. School arts itself as the textbook on architecture. Elements of the chronicle are read and in the name of the children's center "Korsun". to Vladimir Putin showed that it was succeeded to make in two years and what way passed the project from idea to an embodiment. The correspondent of daily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya" Soldatova Xenia saw that could achieve during this time. Still a year ago there was a ditch. Today to the president show two new...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 693
Georgy Aleksandrovich Shevkunov (Yepiskop Tikhon)
Last position: Bishop Egoryevsky,\u000avicar of the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia
Soldatova Xenia
Razvozzhaev Mikhail