Serial dismantlings. Series "Detective Syndrome"

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In the heading "Serial Dismantlings" we tell about series which, according to "OHMS", deserve attention. Eight-serial "A detective syndrome" - the next product from founders of "Major" and "The last minister". That is the audience had certain expectations initially. And not that the series them as a result did not justify that - surprised rather a little. At film forums write much that the director Roman Volobuev almost in a Chekhovian way showed in "Syndrome" life of psychoneurological clinics. However, all of us know that written too not always it is necessary to trust unconditionally. Who is who: The main character –...
Roman Volobuev
Last position: Director, screenwriter, actor
Aristarkh Venes
Last position: Actor
Valeriya Gay Germanika
Last position: Film director