Mass media showed a grave of the actor "The white sun of the desert" Anatoly Borisovich Kuznetsov

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Photo source: the screenshot Is buried the actor on NOVODEVICHYE CEMETERY. Journalists of the Fifth channel visited a grave of the actor theaters and cinema Anatoly Borisovich Kuznetsov. On March 7 there was anniversary of death of a star of the movie "White Sun of the Desert". But, judging by a condition of a grave, to Anatoly Borisovich Kuznetsov nobody came. On the published shots it is visible that the grave Anatoly Borisovich Kuznetsov is powdered with snow, to it there is no trodden path. Lies on a grave only couple of carnations with a scarlet tape. Let's remind, Anatoly Borisovich Kuznetsov, become famous in 1969, having played in the movie Vladimir Motyl "The white sun of the desert" the companion Sukhov Fedor, died in 2014...
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