The plenipotentiary Ambassador Algeria to Russian Federation visited Polytechnic University

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In the research case "TEKHNOPOLIS Polytechnic University" negotiations between the Plenipotentiary Ambassador Algeria to Russian Federation Smail Benamara and representatives of the international services FGAOU IN SPBPA, SPBPU, FGAOU VO "SPBPU", SAINT PETERSBURG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY PETRA VELIKOGO took place. The parties discussed development cooperation in the scientific and educational directions and partnership activization with leading universities Algeria, in particular, with National Politekhnicheskaya school Algeria (ENP). The meeting of the Plenipotentiary Ambassador Algeria to Russian Federation and the managements FGAOU IN SPBPA, SPBPU, FGAOU VO "SPBPU", SAINT PETERSBURG POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY PETRA VELIKOGO became the second for the last half a year. In...
Smail Benamara
Last position: Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary (Embassy Algerian People's Democratic Republic in of the Russian Federation)
Andrey Ivanovich Rudskoy
Last position: Rector, professor of "Technology and Research of Materials" Chair (FGAOU VO SPBPU, SPBPU, FGAOU VO "SPBPU", SAINT PETERSBURG CITY POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY PETER GREAT)
Mohamed Abdenur
Arsenyev Dimitri
Badzhi Mokhtar
Politekhnicheskaya school
Polytechnic university