Судебный сериал. Что выяснилось о взятках на выборах в воронежские думы

За кресла там депутаты заплатили несколько миллионов рублей...
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Vadim Kletsov
Last position: Deputy, Member of the constant commission on ecology and environmental management (Voronezh City Council)
Helena Gubina
Last position: Deputy, vice-chairman of committee on the budget policy, taxes and finance. (Regional Duma of Voronezh )
Youri Nikolaevich Bavykin
Main activity:Official
Yvan Kandybin
Last position: Director general (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY ФК "AKSIOMA")
Vadim Kstenin
Last position: Head (Administration of the city district Voronezh city)
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