The deputy of Legislative assembly of Novosibirsk region Alexander Kulinich gave help assembled humanitarian freight

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The humanitarian assistance delivered new party in zone SVO. As a part of humanitarian freight — everything that is necessary: from means of hygiene, household goods, tools and materials for arrangement of blindages to spare parts and autogoods (cables, jacks, belts, candles, remkomplektov and lubricating oil). Besides, actually means for movement — two automobil UAZ and "Field", and also reserved food products — different types of grain, production of fast preparation and canned food: it is more than 2 thousand cans of a stewed meat and more than 3,5 thousand cans of meat tinned semi-finished products. Total cost of the delivered...
Alexander Kulinich
Last position: Deputy (Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk region)
Vladimir Nikolaevich Shubnikov
Last position: Head (Administration of the Kupino district)
Victor Kushnir
Last position: The deputy, the member of the committee on a state policy, the legislation and local government, the member of the commission on interaction with law enforcement agencies and to corruption counteraction (Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk region)
UAZ car
Manufactured by:LLC "UAZ"