On Don condemned the driver because of whom in road accidents the woman with the child] suffere

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The man at a wheel of the GAS of 53 B truck crashed into the car, leaving from minor roads on the main. District court of the Yegorlykskaya district of the Rostov region pronounced a sentence to the driver because of whom in road accidents suffered the woman with the child. Denis Antyushenya found guilty under the article "Violation of the Rules Traffics, the Causing Which Has Entailed on Imprudence of Heavy Harm to Health". Terrible road accidents occurred on July 20, 2022 on Egorlykskaya Route - Kowalewski. That evening the 68-year-old motorist together with the 11-year-old girl went on "VAZ-2107" on the main road. On a fork on the minor moved...