Credit Europe bank closed the transaction on purchase affiliated banks IKEA International Group

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Moscow. March 2. information agency "Interfaks" - Credit Europe bank closed the transaction on purchase Russian bank "daughter" of the Swedish group of IKEA International Group who left the market Russian Federation in connection with events in Ukraine. As appears from EGRYuL data, Credit Europe bank became the owner LLC "Ikano bank" on March 1. Earlier in January it got permission President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin for the transaction. The presidential order was necessary as LLC "Ikano bank" past October was included in the list of the credit organizations which change of owners requires separate permission of the head of state. Beneficiary Credit Europe bank is...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 693
Khyusnyu Ozegin
Last position: Founder, chairman of the board of directors (Fiba Retail Group)
Novoderezhkin Anton